Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oliver Twist's Gruel

This recipe is going to have your family saying "please sir/ma'am, I want some more!" Even if you've never picked up a Dickens' novel, you know that line. Oliver Twist is a classic British movie and play which stars a young orphan boy who is fed gruel at the local parish workhouse.

Admittedly, gruel doesn't sound like a particularly delicious meal, but I pinky promise that this is the perfect breakfast meal for any day of the week! In fact, people throughout history have loved gruel. It was a staple meal among ancient Greek commoners, Aztecs in Mexico, Congee people in Asia, and now your family!

What you'll need:
1/3 cup of rolled oats
1 pint of water
1 pint of hot milk
1 teaspoon of salt

1. Add salt to the water and bring it to a boil in the inner cup of a double broiler.
2. Stir in the rolled oats.
3. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then set inner cup in the outer cup of a double broiler which contains the boiling water. Leave it on low for three hours or longer.
4. Strain the oatmeal and add hot milk.

What I think is so cool about this is that you can make at night and simply reheat it in the morning when you're getting ready for school or work! According to Dickens, it's meant for peasants, but you and I know it tastes good enough for a king.

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